Losing a loved one is difficult — even more so for the elderly who just lost a spouse. Moving on from the passing of a loved one is usually anchored on being able to get back to your usual routine after the passing. This can be especially hard to do for the elderly who lost the spouse since their options in routine and lifestyle choices are severely limited.
Needless to say, an elderly with a dead spouse can use all the help and consoling he or she could get.
Here are ways you can get an elderly who just lost a spouse:
Sympathy gifts: You can start by letting him know you are thinking of him and are grieving with him. Giving a sympathy gift is a good way to do this. Simple sympathy gifts like chimes, candles, or lanterns are an elegant way of showing you care.
Let him express his grief: Anyone who has lost a loved one will have a lot of pent-up grief and negative feelings. Letting him express those can help him in the process of moving on. Do so patiently as the grieving process can be strenuous for the both of you.
Offer a meal: This is a simple gesture that means a lot; many grieving individuals tend to lose their appetite during the grieving process so offering a meal is a practical and heartfelt act. Offer a food-related sympathy gift too, if you want to go the extra mile, such as an apron or a special cooking utensils
Offer company: If the elderly are lonely or alone, offer to give him company — for whatever errands that should be done or just simply be there so he won’t feel alone during such an emotional moment.
Attend to physical needs: It goes without saying that the elderly have special needs physically like old aged care services singapore. Help attend to his physical needs if necessary. You can accompany him to the doctor if needed, or help treat any illnesses that could come up during his grieving process.
Ask what help they need: Is there anything you can do for him? If you are willing to do more than just offer condolences, ask and take action. This will go a long way in letting the grieving elderly deal with the devastating loss.
Pray with him: If the grieving elderly is spiritual or religious, offer to pray for his dead spouse with him. Offer him sympathy gifts such as candles for the process as these mementos, as simple as they seem, can really help anyone grieving manifest and channel their hurt and grief physically.
Plan events: It could help if the elderly has events and activities he can look forward to. When appropriate, organize a simple dinner for him with family and friends. Go out with him and do activities he usually does. Celebrate special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries and give him gifts to commemorate the special occasion.
Adopt a pet: If the elderly is still physically able, considering adopting a pet for him. This could help him deal with the grieving process.