To make a site available to users online, it needs to be stored on a web server. Site owners can buy a web server and keep it in-house or buy a web hosting plan. There are many hosting companies offering various hosting plans to site owners. However, these companies usually offer generic plans that can suit a broad spectrum of websites.
With competition getting intense online, site owners need a hosting service tailored to them that can help them create memorable site experiences. This is where a Web Hosting Reseller steps in.
As a Hosting Reseller, you look for the best Reseller Web Hosting plans and buy one that suits your business objectives. Next, you create small hosting packages tailored to the needs of a smaller segment of the market and establish a profitable business.
Today, we are going to talk about why 2021 can be a good year to start a Reseller Hosting business.
Reseller Web Hosting in 2021
While digitization had already spread its roots and many businesses had started launching their websites, the pandemic had resulted in boosting the numbers. An increasing number of site owners have now started realizing the benefit of having an online presence and a website. This has resulted in an exponential increase in the demand for web hosting services.
With customized hosting packages and personalized services, Hosting Resellers have a great opportunity to start and establish a profitable web hosting business. The following video shows how to make money with Reseller Hosting:
How to Make Money with Reseller Hosting?
Here are some things to know before you start a Reseller Hosting business:
What is included in a Reseller Plan?
Usually, Reseller Hosting plans include:
- Disk space for storing files
- Data transfer limit
- Bandwidth or the speed with which you can transfer data to and from the server
- The maximum number of websites that you can host as a reseller
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate
- cPanel Accounts
- Email accounts
- Client Support
Reseller Hosting offers the following benefits:
1. Low-cost business
As a Hosting Reseller, you purchase resources from a host at a certain price. When you sell the smaller hosting packages, there is no restriction on how much you charge. Reseller plans are usually cheap that allows you to create packages at competitive prices.
2. Managed servers
A hosting company needs to manage and maintain the webserver and the associated infrastructure. As a reseller, you don’t have to bother with these tasks. All you need to do is create packages that are tailored to the needs of your clients and offer primary support.
3. Income Generation
Web hosting is a recurring cost for site owners. As a hosting provider, this is an opportunity to create a regular stream of income. If your clients are satisfied with your services, then they will renew the services and refer you to more site owners too.
4. Control Panel
If you opt for a Linux Hosting Reseller plan, you are most likely to get cPanel as the control panel as a part of the plan. This is one of the most popular control panels among Hosting Resellers since it allows you to manage your client accounts with ease.
Summing Up
As you can see, a Reseller Hosting business offers a range of benefits. Also, in the current landscape, starting a web hosting business can be a good option. Before you decide to get into this business, ensure that you define your target market segment and create a business plan. Good Luck!