I always knew that I was destined to become a mother. When my husband and I got married, I knew that I wanted to have children. I looked at the little bundles of joy and dreamed of having my own. Sure, they were a big responsibility, but having them was rewarding work in the first place. I loved the thought of having my own kids to share my life with. But my body did not think I was up for the task. I needed infertility treatment in Singapore to help me get started with my family.
My husband and I have been trying for months to have a baby. After passing the half-year mark, we knew it was time to face our fears. We could be infertile and have the inability to bear children. The thought was highly distressing and discouraging to me— as someone looking forward to motherhood, I hadn’t thought of the possibility of not having any children of my own. All the possible futures I dreamed of had children in them.
Some people might think it is self-centred to want children this badly, but is it really? I just wanted to start a family of our own. Thoughts of a childless future flashed in my mind and paralysed me. I could bear the thought, but I didn’t want to give up without trying. It was to our relief that our doctors concluded that we were not infertile but perhaps needed to try more. I was elated by the news, but still nervous about the outcomes of trying to conceive. After the evaluation, my husband tried to look for ways to increase our chances of becoming parents. That’s when he saw a possible path for us— by stumbling across a TCM clinic for fertility.
A clinic for TCM, or traditional Chinese medicine, might not be the first thing others look for when they have infertility problems. But trust us, it changed our course completely. After another month of no results, we reached the end of our options. But my husband pleaded with me to try TCM, and though sceptical, I was willing to try anything at that point.
We chose Oriental Remedies Group as our TCM clinic of choice. They provided us with a list of treatments that could work for our specific situation. Everything was tailor-fit to us. For us women, you can try many infertility treatments, but acupuncture for fertility is most common in Singapore. To my knowledge, acupuncture has many medical benefits, so this is what I chose when they asked me what routes I wanted to take.
Many people are scared of acupuncture because it looks painful. Inserting needles into the body does sound horrifying! But you don’t have anything to worry about. Acupuncture needles are classified as medical devices, which means they are sterile, single-use, and safe. Most importantly, I was able to conceive a few weeks later. I’ll count that as a success.
For more information regarding lymphatic drainage in Singapore and other services, don’t hesitate to contact Oriental Remedies Group for the list of services they can provide to you.