Working out at home is a thing today. Almost every physiotherapist in Singapore can now implement a physiotherapy program or plan that patients can do at their home. For an effective rehabilitation working plan, clients must adhere to the program itself. Still, not all can follow and comply with the schedule and timeline, which creates a barrier of time. Others face a tremendous amount of distraction when conducting their physiotherapy exercise.
Your physical movements are limited when you are suffering from a painful physio-related disease and injury or underwent a recent surgery. A trained physiotherapist is often the answer to help you work out and rehabilitate your physio condition, allowing your body to return to its normal function. Today, a patient may visit a physiotherapy clinic in Singapore for a rehabilitation plan, which they can carry out at home.
In physio in Singapore, following physio exercises at home can complement your rehab plan. Nonetheless, it’s still vital that you speak first with a physiotherapist before attempting to incorporate a set of exercises into your current rehab plan and condition.
Preparing For In-Home Physiotherapy
Making the most out of your home physiotherapy always starts with preparation. If it is your first time, here are things you must consider when setting up and preparing your home for physiotherapy:
Prepare your environment
Your environment is a determining factor in your physiotherapy and rehabilitation program. The ideal environment should be well-lit and free from noise, distraction and clutter. A physiotherapist can assist you in providing the best form of rehabilitation plan and exercise to treat your injury. However, they can also provide a schedule plan, even small exercise equipment. Thus you need ample space for the equipment you will use.
Do your research
Whether you’re opting for a physiotherapy program or a sports massage in Singapore, conducting homework research is one way to prepare yourself. Your rehabilitation goals are correlated to how you can comply or adhere to your home exercise schedule, and you must consider asking questions about anything you’re unsure of. Your commitment to the rehabilitation process will determine your knowledge and preparation of your plan.
Wear the right clothing
Your clothing is another determining factor in your rehabilitation or exercise success. Your upper t-shirt and lower garments (shorts) will have to be comfortable enough for you to move. You may want to keep an extra in case. For most scenarios, a tank top or a white t-shirt and shirt will be enough for your physio routine.
Know your medical history
One way to get the most out of your physio routine is to visit a local physiotherapy clinic to talk to your therapist. Doing this will allow you to have an accurate look at your medical history and if there are any concerns or problems.
Have your physiotherapist inform you about other previous conditions, medical appointments or test results by printing papers or documents. It will help the therapist be more aware of your condition and align the rehab/physio plan in accordance with your previous medical history.
Making Your Physio Exercise More Time Friendly
We all know that accomplishing your physio/rehab through your schedule. Your schedule is critical to getting your exercise and rehabilitation routine done. Every physio and osteopath in Singapore is about providing an effective program of treatment that patients can follow. However, many still struggle with the problem of adhering to their exercise routine due to their schedule. Thus, making your available rehab program more time friendly will help increase your rehabilitation success.
Without further ado, here are ways to make your physio/exercise routine more time friendly:
Performing slow eccentrics
Lowering your weight slowly or slowly is an approach to enhance your flexibility while giving you enough strength to perform an exercise. One factor that will make your routine more efficient as possible is by performing strengthening exercises with slow eccentric temp than conducting separate stretching and strengthening exercises.
While it’s not something that every physiotherapist may give or have in mind, it’s worth considering slow eccentrics to create more stimulus with reduced weight. Still, you may want to communicate first with the therapist before performing such an exercise approach to avoid complications or injuries.
Consider compound movements
In the field of exercise and strength training, compound movements are another ideal approach that can help you save time. They help make your muscle groups work in the same exercise, which makes your session more efficient if you don’t have much time to perform separate movement sets. While your physiotherapist may not allow you (or you cannot tolerate it yourself) to use heavy barbells for lifting, you can still use them for your rehabilitation plan.
Here is a few examples of compound movements that you can implement into your physio/rehab routine and even your daily workout plan:
- Step ups and lunges
- Push-ups for shoulder and chest
- Lying pullover
- Carries for grip and core
- Face pull
Quick exercise during ‘commercial breaks’
If you want a short and fast exercise while adhering to the plan brought by your physiotherapist, taking a straight exercise during short commercial breaks of a TV show will be ideal. While you don’t need to have a sophisticated, fancy space dedicated for your quick workout since you would not need a piece of equipment, you still need to be in comfortable clothing and environment.
Conducting exercises for injury recovery and conditional rehabilitation does take an amount of time. It’s quite unrealistic to expect an overnight improvement on the patient’s part. Consistency and dedication are the primary ingredients for accomplishing the rehabilitation treatment program provided by a physiotherapist.
If you are looking for a physiotherapy or vertigo specialist in Singapore, visit Calibrate Health for more info.