The fall and winter holidays are a great time for families to come together to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company. This can be difficult and uncomfortable for some families who are working through parental separation. Separations can have a substantial emotional impact on children, and parents need to be mindful and empathetic to their kids’ needs when planning family gatherings. Use the ideas in this guide to help you make the best of the holidays for you and your children.
Put Your Children’s Feelings First
No matter what happens between parents, it is essential to make your children’s feelings a top priority. Children can have a hard time understanding the reasons behind their parents’ separation, which can cause them to harbor lots of frustration and sadness. As a parent, it should be your goal to make the holidays as stress-free as possible. Be sure to think about how your children could be perceiving your interactions at all times.
Plan Ahead
Creating and sticking to a plan can provide your children with a sense of safety and security. It is very reassuring for kids to see their parents organized and coordinated for the sake of the family. Take time to sit down and draw up a separation agreement Tampa for the holidays far in advance so that nothing catches you by surprise. Be sure to revisit the plan as your holiday gatherings get closer and make changes as needed.
Be Mindful and Share Time Equally
Seeing both parents during the holidays is important for children, especially during a separation. When making your plans, avoid imbalances in the amount of time spent with one parent over another. Remember that your children love both of their parents, and they need to see that love reflected in you. It can send a negative message if your kids think their parents are fighting over time with them.
Separations can be difficult for everyone involved. Use the points above to create the best experience for you and your children during the holidays.