The causes of anxiety are not well defined, and they are highly linked to each person’s life history and the way they relate to the world. There are still genetic factors, and the likelihood increases if you have people in the family who suffer from chronic anxiety. There is the most crucial factor: the environmental factor, the way we live, and how our psyche faces an anxious world, so fast and with so much information that we are not yet able to fully absorb it, which seems to produce a feeling of anxiety existential.
Treatment For Anxiety
The best treatment for anxiety is psychotherapy. It is necessary to know precisely where this complex and so disturbing feeling comes from so that you can talk about it, talk about fears, afflictions, and concerns and relieve symptoms to learn from that. To control when they are about to take care of the psyche again. Parallel to psychotherapeutic treatment, it is essential to resort to breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and exercises that help empty this psyche full of so many thoughts and control muscle tension. Drug treatment like Nardil is also recommended for severe cases where the person is unable even to leave the house.
How To Deal With Anxiety?
Some techniques and exercises can help you control anxiety and learn to cope better with-it day in and day out.
- Practice physical exercises – During the practice of exercises, our body releases a series of serotonin and dopamine series that regulate mood, appetite, heart rate, sleep, among others, and help us keep our body and mind in balance.
- Turbine your food with Tryptophan – Tryptophan is a substance that regulates mood and provides a greater sense of well-being, as it helps in the construction of serotonin. Investing in foods rich in protein and tryptophan is excellent; some examples are bananas, meats, fish, eggs, cheese, peanuts, almonds, peas, avocados.
- Relieve muscle tension – It is necessary to pay more attention to the body; some complementary therapies such as acupuncture, massages, music therapy, shiatsu, reiki, catatonia help relieve body tension and balance body-mind, relieving daily stress.
- Invest in teas – Our ancestors used teas as powerful medicines, and it is no wonder, most of the medicines we use today came from medicinal plants. Teas such as chamomile, lavender, rosemary, melissa, cherry, passion fruit are calming and can help relieve anxiety caused by anxiety.
- Get organized – Being organized externally helps in the internal organization of our psyche. Living in a more organized environment as well, as well as having a schedule and writing down all the commitments and chores that are on your mind, is like taking them out of you and putting them on paper, knowing that you will not forget and thereby reduce the concern about future events.
- Find a Hobby – Having a pleasurable activity is one of the essential factors in a person’s life; finding out what he likes and putting it into practice is essential to have a good time and feel more pleasure in life. Be it playing football with friends, taking painting lessons, playing an instrument, taking a cooking course, or even gardening. Invest in yourself, look for something that takes you out of the tiring routine and takes you to other possibilities.
- Self-knowledge – Without self-knowledge, life becomes more complex; try to know yourself, invest in psychotherapy, in moments with silence, increase your perception of yourself. Self-knowledge is liberating.