Do you discover an extra wrinkle or a gray hair that you are not so happy with? We cannot escape the aging process, but a healthy life contributes to a vibrant appearance. Grow old beautifully with these tips to prevent the aging process.
Get plenty of sleep
They don’t call it the ‘beauty sleep’ for nothing. Getting enough sleep is an absolute must; research shows that this can reduce wrinkles on the face and neck. Due to the production of sweat while sleeping, your skin stays tight and supple.
Stop smoking
Smoking causes wrinkles and dull skin. By quitting smoking your circulation improves and premature wrinkles disappear. This ensures a fresh and young look.
Exercise enough
Regular exercise makes you feel fitter. You burn excess fat, which gives you a slimmer body. Not only does your mood improve, but also your fitness. This way you can easily take the stairs without feeling exhausted. Do you find it difficult to exercise regularly? Read here how to exercise for 30 minutes a day from now on.
Protect yourself in the sun
If you like tanned skin, it is tempting to go out without sunscreen. If you are regularly guilty of this, it will certainly affect the condition of your skin. So always use the right sun factor for your skin. In addition, it is wise to always lubricate a day cream with a UV filter.
Reduce stress
Stress cannot only cause mental complaints. Your appearance is also affected by stress. Stress hormones ensure that your hair turns gray faster, stress also causes hair loss. Not only does your hair suffer during a stressful period, you can also suffer from red spots and rashes on the skin.
According to various studies, it has been found that when one drinks fruit juices (not from a pack) a few times a week that contain many flavonoids, this has a beneficial effect because they influence the functioning of our genes. This could reduce the risk of getting certain illnesses. Use the nmn powder in this case now.
Flavonoids are dyes and can therefore often be recognized by the colors of fruit and vegetables. They give the bright color to e.g. carrots, broccoli, lemon, bell pepper. They are slightly toxic and thus protect against free radicals.
They are present in many fruits and vegetables, but also in dark chocolate, red wine and green tea. Drinking 3 to 6 cups per day has a beneficial effect.